Sunday, January 27, 2008

Star Wars + Disney Character = Nifty Artwork

For Your Eyes Only...

Here is a photography piece about America's Best Kept Secrets by Taryn Simon.

1. Polly want a Cracker?
2. Don't let Homer Simpson near this site.
3. Ew... Where do they come from? Do families have to sign their love ones over or what?
4. Poor kitty-cat.
5. Free Playboy from the Government -- who knew!
6. Walt Disney's final resting place?
7. That's what I take on an International flight -- raw, uncooked meat!
8. It's alive...hard to believe from the photo, doesn't look very dangerous.
9. Wonder what the square footage is? It doesn't look very big.
10. Thousands of miles...
11. CIA...quick where's Sydney?

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Out of Order

Ouch...That's gonna take a while to organize!

Penny Walsh poses among books thrown from their shelves during an earthquake in Gisborne, New Zealand.

This was one of the Time Magazine's Pictures of the Week -- go
HERE to see the rest!

EF3 Hits 22 Miles North of Tuscaloosa

Thursday Jan 10, 2007 Windham Springs in Tuscaloosa County got hit with 150 mph winds.

Here is a map showing how far T-Town is from where most of the damage occurred.

View Larger Map

Here is video

Here is the newspaper article

My thoughts are with those affected by the tornado.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

WWI Time Warp

Experience WWI through the letters of an English Soldier.

Tornado Watch #11

Currently we are under Tornado Watch #11 here in T-town until 1:00 AM!

Good thing I got my super fabulous weather radio for Christmas so that if I am sleeping it can alert me.

I'm not entirely sure where I would go as every room in my apt has windows. I guess a closet or my bathtub!

Christmas was grand!
The travel surrounding it was not. There were many delays and a missed flight.

Going home for Christmas I ended up in Cleveland and my luggage went to Pittsburgh.

Then on the way back to T-town every flight was delayed and we had a stop that was not listed on our tickets.

Needless to say after all that I am not feeling the Southwest "Luv" so much.

El Gato Guapo aka Max the Wondercat got a bath and his teeth brushed yesterday.

Have you ever tried to brush a cat's teeth?
It was an interesting experience let me tell you.

I now have several battle scars from both experiences.