Thursday, September 18, 2008


My experience with Bubble Tea.

Combine Milk with some type of fruit powder (I chose Coconut and Strawberry).

You also have the option of frozen or over ice. Mine was shaken not stirred.

The beverage arrives with a larger than life green straw that is in reality bigger than my little finger.

I also need to mention that there are large tapioca balls in the bottom of the glass. These little "balls" are an integral part of the Bubble Tea. Apparently it is all the rage in Asia. Germany has the HOFF, Asia has Bubble Tea.

In the beginning you suck tentatively - afraid that the scary tapioca balls will rush up the straw and choke you if you slurp.

Finally you snare one and only one tapioca ball of gooey goodness.

It is really chewy. Like really chewy - whatever you think is chewy double that and then you might have a grasp of what my first taste was like.

The closest thing I can imagine is a gummy bear that has been soaking in liquid all day.

So let's recap -- there's sucking and chewing and an extraordinarily large straw.

The barista said you either hate it or you love it.

Me - I'm not sure yet.

Next time I think I'll try a frozen one - maybe peach.

Love at first Bite?

I'm undecided...