Monday, August 10, 2015

1. What did you have for lunch today?
2. What did you let go of?
3. What is the one thing you want to accomplish tomorrow?
4. What was the last gift you gave?
5. The last time I exercised ____________________.
6. What did you create today?
7. What memories did you think about today?
8. What is the last risk you took?
9. What made you compromise?
10. Who do you look up to? 

1.   Nothing yet.  Peach yogurt for breakfast and string cheese as a snack!
2.   My old apartment.
3.   English Cafe Prep
4.   Trader Joe's Bacon Popcorn to my staff.
5.   Yesterday the stairs to my friends house.
6.   Fun times with coworkers.
7.   That I moved a year ago.
8.   Moving.
9.   Everything - that is one of the keys to life!
10.  My mom - she's pretty awesome!

Monday, February 16, 2015

February Part Two

16. What mood were you in today?
17. What was the last new thing you tried?
18. My biggest hope is _____________.
19. What has challenged your morals?
20. What kind of car are you driving?
21. List your pets.
22. What are three things you need to buy?
23. Today I felt really secure knowing __________________.
24. Whose life did you make a difference in today?
25. What is your super power?
26. What is annoying you?
27. What would have made today perfect?
28. What stresses you?
29. What did you do to take advantage of this extra day this year?

16.   Nostalgic
17.   Ceviche
18.   Peace
19.   Watching too much trashy reality tv
20.   Small suv
21.   Belle the cat
22.   Milk, facial wash, gift(s)
23.   I am awesome
24.   Hope I did
25.   Reading
26.   How hot the building is at the moment
27.   Ice Cream
28.   Idiot Drivers

Monday, February 2, 2015

February 2015

1. What is your favorite piece of art you own?
2. The most expensive bill I paid last month was ________.
3. What’s the last thing you apologized for?
4. My favorite color is ______________.
5. On a scale of 1-10 how is your health?
6. If you could do today over, would you change anything?
7. Name a person you wish you didn’t have to deal with today.
8. What is the largest TV screen in your house?
9. What time did you go to bed last night?
10. What did you buy today?
11. I wish I had ____________.
12. How many photos did you take today?
13. What book are you reading right now?
14. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
15. Last thing you wanted but didn’t get.

1.     The Lily Pond Bridge
2.     School Loan Repayment
3.     Traffic Faux Pas
4.     Aqua/Teal
5.     7
6.     Leave the house earlier
7.     Bad Drivers
8.     Living Room - not sure how many inches
9.     Later than I should have
10.   Fuel for my vehicle after work
11.   Money to pay off my school loans and purchase a nice place to live close to work
12.   0
13.   YA version of Unbroken
14.   7
15.    The type of response I was expecting

Friday, January 30, 2015

January is almost over!

10. What made you smile today?
11. What’s your favorite accessory?
12. What is making you mad?
13. What did you have for dinner today?
14. What did you get done?
15. Who last called you on the phone?
16. Who are you in love with?
17. What are you grateful for?
18. The best part of today was ______________ .
19. My current favorite website is _________________.
20. What was the hardest thing you’re dealing with?
21. Today I wish I had more _________________.
22. Tomorrow will be better because ___________________.
23. What made today unusual?
24. What are you looking for from life?
25. What is your favorite thing to drink?
26. Today the temperature was ___________________.
27. How much did you spend at the grocery store the last time you went?
28. Tomorrow I will _________________________.
29. What was your last major purchase?
30. My house is a home because _______________________.
31. Who is the last person to tell you they loved you?

10.  My coworkers
11.  iPhone
12.  Bad drivers
13.  Chinese last night
14.  Ordered a large number of new books!
15.  My mother
16.  No one at the moment
17.  My mother
18.  Waking Up
19.  Gmail
20.  Private
21.  Person to help carry the groceries into my apartment
22.  It is a new day!
23.  Everything - every day is unique!
24.  To make my corner of the world a little better
25.  Diet Cherry Pepsi
26.  55 on the way to work
27.  Over $100
28.  Cook haluski for the potluck I am attending
29.  iPad
30.  That is where I hang my hat
31.  My mom

365 Questions

Friday, January 9, 2015

2015 Begins...

1. What is your number one goal this year?
2. What are you most grateful for?
3. Are you content?
4. What is your best memory of last year?
5. What was the last major accomplishment you had?
6. What possession could you not live without?
7. Can people change?
8. What is the last “good” thing you ate?
9. What is your current favorite snack?

1.  Patience - to not yell while driving my car!
2.  Right now - living in Florida and not dealing with snow.
3.  Yes
4.  Hmm.  Family Reunion with everyone in the same zip code!
5.  Moving to Florida - new job, new friends, new everything.
6.  Tivo...not having to view ads is wonderful.
7.  Yes.
8.  The Queso Dip from Tijuana Flats was pretty awesome last night.
9.  Trader Joe's Coconut Strips - they are the beef jerky of coconut!

365 Questions