While on break from my class yesterday I find a book in the lounge with a Read It Forward marker attached.
The book is Tears Of A Tiger By Sharon M. Draper and the Read It Forward program is affiliated with the Birmingham Public Library Teen Department. The instructions are after you have read the book to go log on to this site and enter a comment about the book and then "leave" it somewhere for someone else to find. Later say a month or so you can then go back and track the book to see who else has read it and where else the book has traveled.
I must say I think this is an awesome program to involve teens. The combination of reading and technology and then tracking the book using your computer is something that I think youth would enjoy. Awesome program - I wonder if they would want me to take the book all the way back to PA with me. Probably not - maybe I should call or email and ask. It never hurts right - the most they could do is say no.
In other cool and awesome news. I recently completed an Illustrator Research Assignment for my Children's Literature Class (for those in cyberland -- that would be the one I am writing this journal entry for) on Floyd Cooper and at first I have to admit I was a bit disappointed because I love Mary Engelbreit and was planning on using her for my project. What I didn't know was that we got assigned Illustrator's for the project. But it ended up great as I learned all about a new Illustrator -- blah, blah, blah. But I have to skip ahead to tell you the best part. My Illustrator had a personal website which I found and then I learn that he now lives in Pennsylvania and so I felt connected. Well on his website there's an email address. So I decide what the heck, I'll write him and tell him how cool I think he is and how beautiful his work is..blah blah. So being the goober that I am occasionally I write him an email extolling how beautiful his work is and how he was assigned to me and that I am also from Pennsylvania. Now I address the letter to him, his wife or whoever happens to be filtering his mail.
Not even an hour later -- I get a response! How awesome is that. Not only is he a fabulous illustrator but a great guy as well! I cannot wait to share this with my class :D

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