Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Sgt. Pepper

So it was the 40th Anniversary of the Beatles Sgt. Pepper album the beginning of this month. Recently I heard several stories on NPR about the album and Beatle morphs and tributes in general.

~I present to you the Beatle Barkers~

There are no words for this one. You simply have to hear it for yourself!

Want to hear some?

Love Me Do

I Saw her Standing There

Still want more... Here is the WFMU website with full versions as well as other song oddities

Sunday, June 17, 2007

These Boots Were Made For Walking...

  • Just got back from a walk by the river. It was very nice and on the return trip - there was even a breeze. There were only a few screaming children and only one lady that was semi-sorta rude. All in all good walking fun.
  • The deacon this morning tied the homily together with a baseball analogy. Last time I heard him speak it was a football analogy.
  • My apartment smells like cleaning products. I cleaned the kitchen and El Gato Guapo's room and litterbox. Of course there is still more cleaning to do -- there is always more cleaning to do -- but it's a start!
  • Oh yeah! I don't think I said it but my mom's back in the good ol' U. S. of A.
  • She called me today so that I could hear Donny Osmond -- he was performing at the conference she was at. He was singing something from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat!!
  • It was the last day for the Bath & Body Works S-A-L-E. So I finally ventured out to the mall and found the local store. I am now several dollars poorer -- but I will smell very very good!
  • Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers, Grandfathers and Godfathers out there! Did you call yours???
  • That's it for now -- same bat time -- same bat channel -- see ya'll next time.

Weekend Wanderings

* Another work week has come and gone - it has been hot all week.

* So recently I went to a tomato pie establishment to pick up a round purchase and the lad running the register had a large hole in the front of his pants. The hole was so large that you could see the bottom of the shirt tail as well as his boxer pattern. This is not acceptable ~ I know he's most likely a college student - but DUDE! Buy a new pair of pants.

* In other news my new coworker wears boxers as well. I'm sure JA will be ecstatic that I am blogging about him. Shh! Don't tell ;)

* Are there boxers for women? I believe the statistic is that 2 or maybe it's 3 out of 5 men prefer boxers to briefs. Personally, if you have to go with briefs at least try the boxer brief they are much sexier.

* The cockroaches are still tormenting me. Someone told me that they are extra bad this year due to the drought like conditions that are persisting. Hopefully my complex will soon get sprayed!!

* Which reminds me a big farewell kiss to Bob Barker who had his last show. Please do your part to control the pet population, spay and neuter your pets! He came out and endorsed Rosie O'Donnell for his Price is Right gig. Not sure how I feel about that.

* A big farewell to PA as well -- he starts his putting his newly earned master's to work in just about a week with his "real" job. Buena Suerte!

* I am beginning to wonder about the netflix recommendations. Here is one that I recently got.
Dante's Cove (Season 2)

was recommended to me because I liked the following movies:

Fried Green Tomatoes
Steel Magnolias
Under the Tuscan Sun

Here's the series synopsis:

Several new characters join the cast for the second season of the supernatural gay melodrama, including bad boy Kai ( German Santiago); sex club operator Colin (Dylan Vox); Marco ( Gabriel Romero), who owns the hot new bar H2Eau; and Diana (Thea Gill ), who has a secret connection to Grace (Tracy Scoggins) and Ambrosius ( William Gregory Lee). Meanwhile, Van (Nadine Heimann) apprentices herself to Grace in order to learn her mystical secrets.

If you really want to know more here is the imdb link.

* I finally purchased my membership for the local gym/swimming spot/sweat spa/exercise extravaganza. It was less than what I was anticipating so that was a plus.

* I am procrastinating my school work -- bad -- bad -- bad.

* I heard a really dirty - but funny joke -- now who can I tell it to that would not be offended?

* Sigh.....and now back to your regularly scheduled weekend...

Monday, June 11, 2007


It was 99 degrees here today and it's not even summer yet!

Currently at a quarter to eight in the evening it is still 94 degrees.

Speaking of degrees in the 90s --- Have you heard about the new Man Band show that's going to be on VH1 is has members of the "boy" bands trying to form a new mature band. Hah! One of the guys from 98 degrees (No, not one of the Lachey boys), one from NSYNC, and one from Color Me Bad...and possibly someone else who I can't remember at the moment.

Also YAY - my brother graduated yesterday from High School and his party is currently going on. Yay PJ!

Alabama in the News

Alabama made the NY Times...Apparently the Frugal Traveler was here..he even wrote an article about his adventures.

Alabama was also in the news for some fisticuffs that went down between a couple of senators or representatives..whatever the were punches were even made the USA Today! Way to set an example!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Woo Hoo for the Weekend!

Two Glorious Days Off!

Woo - now if only I didn't have so much stuff to do....

Oh well ~ Hope you enjoyed yours!

FAT Rant

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Cup O' Noodles

Ok I have to admit something.

I get sucked into bad tv shows.

I was watching something on E! and one of the plastic surgery shows came on and I didn't change the channel.

Well the one doctor they feature is having dinner or lunch I'm not sure which. Thankfully it doesn't require much brain power to watch these shows -- by the end of the work week sometimes I don't have a whole lot more to expend. It's mindless tv -- that's what I'll call it.

Anyway back to the point. The doctor's wife whilst sitting in the kitchen of their million dollar home is chowing down on cup o' noodles. I wonder if they eat ramen noodles as well?

Power to the ramen!

Seriously what else can you get 10 for a dollar?

You could get a lot of ramen for a million bucks!

I'd eat kraft mac & cheese too -- but I'd just eat more and I have fancy dijion ketchup!

I'd buy you a real green dress too -- but not a real green dress -- cause that's cruel!

I Barenaked Ladies!

Houston We Have A Problem

~Adventures in Cooking~

So I get the bright idea to buy a frozen pizza while I'm at the grocery store for dinner.

I get home - I preheat the oven - I get out my cookie sheet - I get out the pizza.

So far so good right...well here's where the trouble begins.

The pizza does not fit on the cookie sheet!

Well after my many rounds of meet the neighbor yesterday I decide someone must have one. So I venture out to borrow a pizza pan. I speak with Italian neighbors and they have a pan I can borrow -- but alas no luck their pan is approximately the same size as the one I have.

I then venture into a nearby church hall and shazam they have a cookie sheet that I think will work. Alas the cookie sheet will not fit into my oven -- nor does the pizza fit on it.

So what's a girl to do?

I decide to cut the pizza in half and cook it in two pieces. Thankfully the pizza had somewhat thawed at this point (after all my running around to find the right pan) so I wasn't trying to saw my way through a frozen pizza.

So with a little ingenuity and patience I was finally able to enjoy my pizza.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Timber --- Lights Out!

Picture It ~~~

I'm home after work relaxing, reading a book and all of a sudden there is a horrendous popping, snarling noise and then the lights go out. Quickly they go on again and I hear an even louder noise and they go off once again.

One by one, myself and all my neighbors emerge like gophers popping out of their holes to see what happened. We all congregate at the corner of our building and watch all the emergency personnel arrive vehicle by vehicle. First the police, then the fire department, then the university and finally the power company. Apparently a huge, massive branch fell off one of the nearby trees and onto the power line which then caused a surge and blew the transformer further down the line. There was also another large branch half cracked off primed and ready to fall on one of the buildings close to it. So we played meet the people in your neighborhood and I actually met someone that I hadn't met before - yay! Then one by one we wandered away in search of somewhere with working air conditioning and in my case an adult beverage and dinner. The adult beverage is because of the 100 plus children that I had the pleasure of working with on the first day of the Summer Reading Program. We first left planning on going a Mexican restaurant in hope of a fruity, slushy beverage with added adult flavorings. We ended up at a deli/coffee house that actually had the aforementioned adult beverages. I settled on a specialty sandwich and the house special drink concoction that consisted of peach smoothie mix, strawberry smoothie mix and my favorite adult coconut flavoring.

After a lovely time out we came home and still no lights or power. Apparently the force was not with us this Friday evening. So what are we to could almost hear the gears turning as we try to think of somewhere or something to go or do. When in doubt go to the movies. So off we go and apparently everyone else in town had the same idea -- the place was packed.

But first a moment of silence for the cheapie movie theatre that closed their doors this week. I never made it there for a flick, but I was still sorry to see it go. I just hope the one remaining theatre doesn't raise their prices too much and gouge the poor college students.

We decided on Shrek the Third more because there was a showing every 30 minutes than anything else. It was ok -- but I would advise all to wait till it comes out on dvd. It wasn't worth the $$ to see it on the large screen.

Finally we come home and are greeted not by the glow of streetlights signaling that we have power -- but by the flashing blue strobe lights of the police cruiser blocking the street which means we still have no power! Did we think to get a flashlight out before the sun went down when we came back after dinner --- No that would of been a good idea! So by the glow of our cellphones (what did we ever do without them?) we venture into the blackhole that is now my apartment to locate my flashlight. Thankfully I knew that it was located next to my microwave! Success we have located the flashlight and it works! So I walk my neighbor back to their apartment and we locate their flashlight and I leave to return to my humble yet dark abode and there is someone standing outside my apartment. Me being the brave valiant woman that I am shout a hello (it helps that I can wield my mag lite and bop the individual on the head if I had to) and I get a hello back. So we play another round of meet your neighbor and I find a fellow Northerner is in one of the complexes near me. The guy turns out to be a history buff/grad student from Michigan and our round of meet your neighbor turns into what do you miss the most about the North? He misses the Canadian beer from home and I give my stock answer of the three things that are only found in Central Pennsylvania (TastyKake Krimpets, Middlesworth BBQ Potato Chips and Birch Beer). We also discussed how there is no Squirt Soda here. We did both agree we DO NOT miss the snow in any way, shape or form!

Finally the light bulbs one by one come on and we are illuminated by the glow of the streetlights and the unmistakable hum of all the air conditioning units fill the air. We bid each other adieu and I for one was off to bed as I had work the next day!