Sunday, June 3, 2007

Cup O' Noodles

Ok I have to admit something.

I get sucked into bad tv shows.

I was watching something on E! and one of the plastic surgery shows came on and I didn't change the channel.

Well the one doctor they feature is having dinner or lunch I'm not sure which. Thankfully it doesn't require much brain power to watch these shows -- by the end of the work week sometimes I don't have a whole lot more to expend. It's mindless tv -- that's what I'll call it.

Anyway back to the point. The doctor's wife whilst sitting in the kitchen of their million dollar home is chowing down on cup o' noodles. I wonder if they eat ramen noodles as well?

Power to the ramen!

Seriously what else can you get 10 for a dollar?

You could get a lot of ramen for a million bucks!

I'd eat kraft mac & cheese too -- but I'd just eat more and I have fancy dijion ketchup!

I'd buy you a real green dress too -- but not a real green dress -- cause that's cruel!

I Barenaked Ladies!

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