Thursday, September 13, 2007

Etiquette Anyone?

What is the Deal?

There is a bus lane. It is specifically for buses only - no one else can use it. The buses should be in them at all times, not blocking both lanes making my trek to work longer in the AM. Then when the bus finally does decide to move - it goes 5mph.

People aka undergrads with cellphones on the elliptical machines. Yeah - You that was on the machine next to that yakked on your cell practically the whole time I was on the machine. I heard your whole conversation through my headphones. You inhibited my rocking out to Ricky Martin and when one is as fabulous as Ricky Martin -- NO ONE should inhibit him.

I am amazed sometimes at the cornucopia of stupidity that surrounds me sometime. I know I was once an undergrad -- but really was I ever that inconsiderate? I don't think so. I did many fun things in my time -- including the Time Warp in the middle of Main Street ala RHPS. But I was never inconsiderate -- I always tipped my waitresses and helped little old ladies cross the street. What gives with this generation?

Ok -- that said I had a fabulous day today!

Some musings on working out!

They have free towels for you to use for a reason -- you sweat -- take one and use it!

Please do not talk on your cellphone at volume level 10 when you are surrounded by people - It is RUDE!

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