Friday, May 11, 2007

Follow the bouncing blog...

While reading this blog I came across the following blurb which is from another blog. You can read the entire rant here or go here to read the HBI manifesto. Caution any links you follow may contain language of an adult nature - Click at your own risk! It made me think about the so-called Peter Pan syndrome that some people go through - but more after the blurb...
Too many men derive their sense of superiority from the fact that that they think they must be needed by women. The primordial fear instilled by strong women into the unevolved mind is one that says "If a women don’t need me, then what good am I? What do I have to offer? How can I control her and the relationship if she doesn't need me?" In the same way that women need to re-think their roles in society, so too do men. They need to realize that they have to offer much more to a relationship than a paycheck and jar opener service. They need to stop treating their romantic relationships as competitions. Many of them need to grow up and realize that they can’t continue to be children in adult bodies and get away with acting like imbeciles just because they "bring home the bacon". When a man is no longer "needed" for financial or other support, he has to really grow up and be an adult. He has to be someone women can love and respect - someone a woman wants to be with, rather than someone a woman needs. It seems that many men are terrified of this prospect.
At some point we all must grow up and be accountable for our actions. Unfortunately some people never will. For that fact I am sad, but I have come to realize that we each only have control over ourselves. It would be nice if all people could behave humanely but unfortunately this is not the case in today's society. I for one, strive to treat others as I want to be treated. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I don't lie to people and tell them what I think they want to hear. If you are my friend I tell you the truth and expect the same in return.

April has been quite the ride for me personally. I am hoping for less drama in May. I am striving to take better care of myself as I forgot to do that for awhile. I let myself get wrapped up in something and forgot to concentrate on myself. Some things especially self realizations suck sometimes - but they are the cost of growing up. In the last few days with my coworker that retired I realized that sometimes I don't take direction very well.

Making yourself a better person is not an easy thing to do - if it were we'd all be perfect.
I believe there is a quote about to err is human to forgive is divine.

I am also realizing the fabulous support system I had at home in PA all my family, friends and the GR Ladies. I miss you and love you - I'm sorry I didn't appreciate you more when I was closer. I am striving towards my goal of building those kinds of friendships here - but they are some huge shoes to fill.

To ALL my friends and family I LOVE YOU & I MISS YOU!

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