Saturday, January 31, 2009

Go Steelers!

Grace in Small Things 2 of 365

  1. Kitty Kisses

  2. Being Appreciated

  3. The HUG of a FRIEND you haven't seen in a while

  4. Compromise

  5. Anticipation

*BONUS* The Pittsburgh Steelers making the Super Bowl!

Grace in Small Things has a
social network of its very own.
Seen elsewhere on the web @
Schmutzie and Whoorl.

Shark Fin Tea Infuser

Friday, January 30, 2009

Are You a Yankee or a Rebel?

According to this -- I'm already at 60%!

Two years in FL, Two years in AL -- that's all it takes?

60% Dixie.Well under the Mason-Dixon Line

ABBA's I Have A Dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy
To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream

Link-o-Rama 1/28/09 & 1/29/09

25 things that snagged my attention over the last couple of days..
*NSFW* means Not Safe For Work and may contain adult content so click at your own risk!

Anderson Cooper's Baby Picture

Diccups - NSFW

Expert's Guide on Effective Napping

Fire Bell Alarm Clock

The Gay Alphabet

Grace in Small Things...a 365 Personal Journey

Hershey's Chocolate Scented Candle -- I so want one of these!
Heart Shaped Cucumbers

How to use a Neti Pot

Interesting things done with books

Man trapped under sofa for two days, survives by drinking whiskey

Marines doing the Cha Cha Slide

Most ticketed cars on the road

Natural Massage Candles

Our 44th President has an elephant named after him

PETA Commercial banned from the Super Bowl - features women & vegetables
Possibly NSFW

Protect & Secure Your Wireless Using Paint

Rice Krispies Sushi

Scratch & Sniff Bacon Stickers

Snack Food Stadium
I love how the Steelers end zone is nacho cheese and the Cardinals is salsa

Sock Monkey Dress

Strange State Laws Part 1

Strange State Laws Part 2

Super Bowl Food-Off

Zoo Babies from London Zoos

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Grace in Small Things 1 of 365

Ok, so I'm about a month late to the party and I've been to this particular dance before. A group of friends and myself did this daily meme in college. Of course I didn't have a blog back then and I don't think the word meme had been invented yet - but I digress. Let me break it down for you.

Every day you think about 5 things that have graced your life that day or in previous days. You then write them down somewhere - your blog, a journal, napkin, toilet doesn't matter the vehicle -- you choose! The point is P - O - S - I - T - I - V - I - T - Y ! Trust me there's power in there - you only have to realize it.

It has even spawned a social network of its very own. Seen elsewhere on the web @ Schmutzie and Whoorl.

Ok - so here we go! I'm about to dive into the pool -- grab your floaties and come along to the journey of 365 days of grace!

  1. My family, I appreciate them more the further I am from them.

  2. My friends, when family is far -- friends are more important than ever!

  3. Pets, in particular my cat Max he is a pretty exceptional snuggler and door greeter

  4. High Speed Internet Access - once you've had a taste of it and then it disappears I despair :-(

  5. Music, I normally have a song in my heart, lyrics running around my head and more often than not singing on my lips!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Serbian Proverb

Be humble for you are made of earth.
Be noble for you are made of stars.
-- Serbian Proverb

30 Things our Future Believes In

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This I Believe logo
Tarak McLain
Tarak McLain holds a caterpillar.
Tarak McLain meditates.

Weekend Edition Sunday, January 18, 2009 · I believe life is good.

I believe God is in everything.

I believe we're all equal.

I believe we can help people.

I believe everyone is weird in their own way.

I believe hate is a cause for love.

I believe that when I meditate I feel peaceful.

I believe we should be generous.

I believe brothers and sisters should be kind to each other.

I believe kids should respect their parents.

I believe people should go outside more.

I believe we should help the Arctic and rainforest animals.

I believe people shouldn't throw litter on the ground.

I believe people should not smoke.

I believe God is in good and bad.

I believe in magic.

I believe people should not give up.

I believe love is everywhere.

I believe that God helps us to have a good time.

I believe we live best in a community.

I believe we can protect people in danger.

I believe we should help the poor.

I believe war should not have started.

I believe war should stop.

I believe we can make peace.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oscar Nominations!

Only a month till the big show.

Other Uses for Toothpaste

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WomansDay has a really nifty post about extraordinary uses of 16 ordinary household items. It’s just what you need to release your inner MacGyver!

Here are some of the surprising things you can do with … toothpaste:

1. Remove crayon marks
Squirt a small dab on non-gel toothpaste on the wall where the mark is. Rub gently with a soft cloth, then rinse with warm water. Voilà!
2. Deodorize hands
Can’t get garlic or onion odor off your hands? Wash them with a blob of toothpaste.
3. Whiten sneakers
Clean rubber soles by rubbing scuff marks with an old toothbrush and non-gel toothpaste.
4. Buff a DVD
Get rid of light scratches by squeezing a little non-gel toothpaste onto a cotton ball. Wipe over the DVD from the center out to the edge. Rinse with water and dry with a non-abrasive, lint-free cloth - all gone.
5. Defog goggles
Coat the inside of swimming goggles with toothpaste, then wipe off - they’ll be crystal clear.
what nail polish, dryer sheets, coffee filters, and chalk can do: Link

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Honey Lemon Ginger Infusion for What Ails You

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Slashfood has a simple recipe for a concoction that soothes coughs and throats, and gets more fluid in your system

Why bother with a natural concoction that sounds like a tea bar specialty? Researchers (and lots of anecdotal tales) have shown that honey, specifically the buckwheat variety, can be more effective than cough syrup (second item) at suppressing coughs. And no doctor isn't going to recommend getting more fluids when you're sick, but there's only so much cold, plain water one can drink before it gets old, and fast. So try Slashfood's easy take on creating an all-natural winter helper:

Simply grate a half inch chunk of ginger into a large mug. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon in on top (you can also add the zest if you're feeling daring) and add a heaping teaspoonful of honey (feel free to adjust the sweetness level to your personal taste). Fill the cup with boiling water and stir to combine. Drink while still warm and repeat as necessary.
Throw in some mint and I just might try this! My Mom and Grandmother swear Tea with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of cider vinegar.

BSG Characters in Legos

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Ochre Jelly recreated Gaius Baltar, Six, Starbuck, and Morbo from Battlestar Galactica in Lego! I looked up pictures of these characters, and found they are pretty much dead-on. Link -Thanks, Ochre Jelly!

Neither Rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor hail...

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Unshelved comic strip for Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Terrible Towels seen at Inauguration

Here's our first verified screen shot of a Terrible Towel at today's Inauguration of President Barack Obama, courtesy of reader Jeremy Swank. I'm sure the President was incredibly inspired by the waving yellow cloth. Here we go Obama, here we go.
From reader Ted Merklin comes the video!

and a new video link courtesy of Big Bob and the Kiss 96.1 Morning Freak Show
WOOT! Here we go Steelers -- Here we go!!

Thanks to Steve C. for pointing me in the direction of this site!

Take Another Look at the vehicle following the Obamamobile


I've been watching the MSNBC inauguration coverage out of the corner of my eye today. With the few delays-- like Ted Kennedy having a seizure and a few gaffs-- like Chief Justice John Roberts bungling the inaugural oath, it's been a pretty amazing day in DC, and the anchors have done a solid job. They spent some time talking about how cock-diesel the new Presidential Limo is. 5 inch thick blast proof doors, chemical attack-proof oxygen system, and other things we'll never know about. But what they didn't mention was that this bad-boy gatling gun suburban rolls behind it in the motorcade parade that's currently taking place. Hope and change are important and all. But if things go south, spraying a wall of lead is a nice backup plan. Check this video.

Presidential Motorcade Gatling Suburban

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Cloth Maps

Yes Please!
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Rand McNally fabMAPs (Images courtesy Rand McNally)

I can’t remember the last time I used a map that wasn’t provided by Google or displayed on a GPS-equipped device, but Rand McNally has convinced me that traditional printed maps aren’t dead yet. Of course paper maps can still be easily torn, destroyed by rain, and never seem to fold up the same way once they’re opened, which is why Rand McNally has produced a series of tourist-friendly maps printed on microfiber cloths instead.

The fabMAPs aren’t for all travelers though, given their size they seem mostly targeted at tourists, and there’s only about 25 of them available at the moment (for cities like New York, Chicago, Beverly Hills, Las Vegas etc.) but at just $5.95 each on the Rand McNally website they could be one of the most useful things you stuff in your pocket.

Rand McNally’s fabMAPs

Pop Pillows

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Pop Pillows by MiJones Design, give a touch of different mood to your bedroom, with these comedy reversible pillow cases. What you need to do is just add your head to get the picture!!! Choose from Dead Tired, Angel & Devil or Noise Pollution. More Pop Pillows pictures.


Monday, January 19, 2009


Then, Now & in a Bar

The Awesomeness of Reading Rainbow!

I can personally attest to how nice LeVar Burton is - he is a lovely human being. I had the pleasure of meeting him when he was one of the narrator's at Walt Disney World's Candlelight Processional at EPCOT Center.



In a Bar

T-Mobile Dance at Liverpool Station

I would have totally been dorky enough to join in the fun!

What WORD describes your life?

Your Word is "Peace"

You see life as precious, and you wish everyone was safe, happy, and taken care of.

Social justice, human rights, and peace for all nations are all important to you.

While you can't stop war, you try to be as calm and compassionate as possible in your everyday life.

You promote harmony and cooperation. You're always willing to meet someone a little more than halfway.

What Punctuation Mark Are You?

You Are An Exclamation Point

You are a bundle of... well, something.

You're often a bundle of joy, passion, or drama.

You're loud, brash, and outgoing. If you think it, you say it.

Definitely not the quiet type, you really don't keep a lot to yourself.

You're lively and inspiring. People love to be around your energy.

(But they do secretly worry that you'll spill their secrets without even realizing it.)

You excel in: Public speaking

You get along best with: the Dash

Awesome Use for Floppy Disks

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Floppy Disc CD Sleeve (Image courtesy Likecool)
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What you don't know...

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8 Racist Words You Use Every Day

Have you ever worried that, no matter how hard you try, you'll just never be racist enough? Well, you're in luck. As it turns out, you've been unconsciously using racial slurs your entire life! Slurs like...

Wait, What?
Hip Hip Hooray!
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