Thursday, January 29, 2009

Grace in Small Things 1 of 365

Ok, so I'm about a month late to the party and I've been to this particular dance before. A group of friends and myself did this daily meme in college. Of course I didn't have a blog back then and I don't think the word meme had been invented yet - but I digress. Let me break it down for you.

Every day you think about 5 things that have graced your life that day or in previous days. You then write them down somewhere - your blog, a journal, napkin, toilet doesn't matter the vehicle -- you choose! The point is P - O - S - I - T - I - V - I - T - Y ! Trust me there's power in there - you only have to realize it.

It has even spawned a social network of its very own. Seen elsewhere on the web @ Schmutzie and Whoorl.

Ok - so here we go! I'm about to dive into the pool -- grab your floaties and come along to the journey of 365 days of grace!

  1. My family, I appreciate them more the further I am from them.

  2. My friends, when family is far -- friends are more important than ever!

  3. Pets, in particular my cat Max he is a pretty exceptional snuggler and door greeter

  4. High Speed Internet Access - once you've had a taste of it and then it disappears I despair :-(

  5. Music, I normally have a song in my heart, lyrics running around my head and more often than not singing on my lips!

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