Ok - So I'm feeling pretty good I made it to the grocery store unscathed and didn't get lost and I decide to go and getting something to eat. I know, I know I just bought groceries - what do you expect to do now cook - nah.
So I venture the other direction from my apartment exploring. First I get stopped for a train going by. Which is cool it gives the car time to warm up and me a chance to play with my radio stations. Finally after what feels like an eternity the train is done and all the cars are merrily rolling along.
So I am exploring my fast food options. The south seems to have twice as many as we have up north. My favorite thus far has been Krystal's. But I digress, I am looking for familiar territory and I spot the Golden Arches (Hi Uncle Tom!) and decide to pull in. Ok there are two ordering places - there is another car in one so I take the empty one. I place my order and pull up and this is where the trouble starts. There are now two windows and I wonder hmmm which one should I go to. I assume that I was at Ordering Apparatus #2 so I go to window #2. I was WRONG! Window #2 is for getting the food -- Window #1 is where you pay. So I have now thrown the entire Arches line-up in disarray. I say to the young man was I supposed to go to the other window. He says it's ok and takes my money. At this point the young woman from Window #1 comes to Window #2 at which point the woman in the car behind me who was in front of me has her door open and is yelling, "Don't give her anything, she didn't order, You'd better not giver her my food!" At which point I'd like to crawl under my seat and disappear. I hate to cause a ruckus and now feel horrible for throwing a wrench into what is supposed to be a fairly straight forward process. We'll just call it ~ How to screw-up the Drive Thru 101 ~
So now I have my food and all I need to do is get back to my apartment and we can call this mission accomplished. I leave the arches lot and turn left and then notice the large cement barrier on my right. Uh-Oh! Headlights, multiple headlights and now horns coming at me. I am on the wrong side of the road. Thankfully my guardian angel was with me and I was able to get off the road and then when my heart stopped doing the staccato it started when I heard the horns. I then pulled back on the road going the correct direction and made it safely back home.
Whew! Enough drama for one night.
Kelly, I'm loving this! You know, I've spent considerable time in the South (yes, that's with a capital S), Georgia, South Carolina and the panhandle of Florida and in addition to a new assortment of fastfood restaurants there are other bennies such as 100% humidity in the summer. Hardee's use to offer a country-fried steak breakfast sandwich which was awesome. When I travel south of the Mason-Dixon though, I don't venture in for fear that it's still on the menu... I wouldn't be able to resist but that sure was some good eating. You know what else is good about the South, sweet tea. Man oh man, people up north just don't know what they're missing. And we use to eat at this place in Georgia that served platters of fried catfish family style and ....enough about the food. I can't wait to read what you think about the lovebugs and the cicada serenades. Go Tide!!!