Wednesday, January 31, 2007

LS 521 Journal Entry for 01/30/07

While I was in church of all places a thought for my journal entry occurred to me. I happened to be seated behind a couple with twins (one boy and one girl) that were approximately seven months old. At some point during the service they began fussing and the mother pulled out two books (The Fuzzy Bee & The Squishy Turtle) and their faces lit up and they were sufficiently engaged and happy for the remainder of the time left.

So my thoughts on this are that from the time we are born books enter and are an important part of our lives. We begin with touch and feel books and progress on to board books with such topics as shapes and numbers etc as we age.

Seeing the twins faces glow when the books appeared made me reflect on the twins in my own family and the 12 other grandchildren all younger than myself. We have all been very lucky that books have been such an integral part of our lives. Of course having an Aunt (my mother) that is a librarian ensures that they will get at least one book or magazine subscription for their birthdays.

I also do realize that there are those children less fortunate than my family. I was lucky enough to help an organization last summer that gave books away to children of all ages and incomes. One of the neatest baby showers that I have ever been to was to fill a library with books for the baby, everyone was asked to bring two or three of their favorite books. I will also do what I can to continue the trend of giving books as gifts to my brothers and the current and future children of my family.

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.
~ Walt Disney ~

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