Sunday, January 28, 2007


First let me preface -- I haven't had to use a laundromat in quite some time and I really didn't know how good I had it, just having to go down into the basement to throw a load in the wash.

Now I have to prepare, sort and spot all the laundry, make sure I have enough quarters, go when they are open and plan what to do while I am waiting.

The first time around I tried to do homework. The operative word here is try. There were a lot of interesting characters in the laundromat that I went to. The section that has chairs and tables for you wait had a family with 3 children that were bouncing off the walls and a TV playing a basketball game that I'm positive could wake the dead.

First of all there were no signs as how much anything was and the first machine that I went up to I thought was a washer -- oh no it was a dryer. OK so finally get myself sorted and lug all my stuff inside. It's a $1.25 to do one wash, ONE WASH! In a washer that isn't very big to begin with. There were washers that took 12 quarters -- That's 3 Dollars! When I was in college I swear it was only 50 or 75 cents a load. Then to dry it's 25 cents for 8 minutes.

I did get away rather cheap though. I shoved as much stuff as I could into 2 washers and only had to use one dryer as some of my clothes I prefer to air dry.

There's nothing like folding your drawers while other people are watching. To the gentleman who watched me fold my underwear while he was waiting for his dryer to finish I'd like to say EW! They have a TV - that's what it is for. Go watch it and not me.

So now back in the comfort and safety of my apartment I am surrounded by the smell of fabric softener and the laundry hanging on all my walls, door and window frames. At least now I have something to look at besides white walls!

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